Published on June 13, 2001 By paxx In WinCustomize Talk
Do you remember your first post? The first time you wrote something on a skins site's message board, the thread it was about, and what made you decide to post something that day?

Well, I was thinking about it today, and although I had been reading the's message board for a few weeks, it was one particular thread that totally bursted me up. I think it was Chinacat that had a fly in her computer and was asking if people knew a way to get rid of it. The answers were hilarious. One of the most funny thread of all times. It has to be a classic. Anyway, I just had to post something that day, I was having too much fun reading it.

What about you? Remember your first post? Or you remember a particular thread that you could put in a gold frame and hang it on the wall?
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 15, 2001
Hmmm it was definitely at skinz. I think it was a "Is there a skinning FAQ so I don't make a tit of myself?" type question. ANd then someone poibnted me towads the skinz Help page which was clearly marked in the nav bar at the top so I felt like a tit anyway.
on Jun 15, 2001
And, Quadrophobe, you are still a tit....
on Jun 15, 2001
i really dont know, but there is a 50/50 chance it was about the iminient threat of world domination posed by the rapidy advancing plans of the banana's!
on Jun 15, 2001
Why does felines post have the theme song to "Banana in Pajamas" running thorugh my brain?

aww....thanks jafo...*s*
on Jun 18, 2001
they are getting into peoples brains!
its only a matter of time now
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