What is the Skinnerz Gallery?
It's the place where you can see the picture of your fellow skinner, developper, or any active participant of the skinning community. Well, any who bothered to send us their picture, that is.
Always been curious to see what this or that person looked like? Now is your chance to find out! Click on the link below and bookmark the site!

You don't want to be left out? What are you waiting for? Send us your picture so others can have a laugh looking at your mug shot.

Here's how you can submit your picture to the Skinnerz Gallery:

Send Koasati an email at sknrpx@koasati.net with the following:

- a recent picture of yourself, size 200 x 200
- your nickname or alias you're best known with
(if you have more than one, send the one most people known you by)
- your real name (optional)
- your date of birth (optional)
- your location (optional)
- your gender (optional)
- your web site address (optional)
- your email (optional)
- your score in the geek test http://www.innergeek.us/geek.html (optional)
- Some comments, a note about yourself or your picture, some deep thoughts or whatever (optional)

Thank you and enjoy!
Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 21, 2003
Well, I learned something from the date issue.... I'm the oldest guy on the site
on Jul 22, 2003
There are worse things than getting older Dave... you could resemble damien 666 and cause flowers to die..make birds stop singing and make scary opera music happen.
on Jul 22, 2003
hehe - I like scary opera music...
on Jul 22, 2003
It'd be nice if the world just used the 'clever' format....yyyymmdd....eg 20030722....just like a 'real' number....
on Jul 22, 2003
I managed to convince Doreen of the logic behind day/month/year (and that of street/number as well), so go figure. Standard is more like yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm (the last bit being the offset from GMT).

Anyhow, enough nitpicking, good work!
on Jul 22, 2003
so where's your pic crae?

we need Doreen too (as well as a boatload of other folks)
on Jul 22, 2003
Last time I came close to a camera was a decade ago. And Doreen is a shy girl, believe it or not.
on Jul 22, 2003
grayhaze smiles wickedly as the opera music swells in the background
on Jul 22, 2003
I just sent in my pic, so that my ugly mug can appear next to those of the rest of you.

As to Date... In the US Army we always supplied the date as 22 JUL 03 seems pretty simple to me.

But Koasati, you do what you want to do... it's your wizzardary that put it all together. And wonderful work might I add.
Thanks for putting this out there for everyone.
on Jul 22, 2003
Nice to see a face to the ones who reject your hard work!
on Jul 23, 2003
So cool! I've really admired treetog's work. Gee, a regular guy. Hey Treetog, keep up the excellent work. You're skins make my days (especially at work).
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