for a desktop address book widget
Published on March 26, 2005 By paxx In DesktopX
I am on the final tweaks of a desktop address book widget I've been working on for the past few weeks. Here is a preliminary screenshot:
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It includes a larger view for more details about the contact, of course an edit/add contact dialog, a search function, etc. It's a standalone address book, as it doesn't integrate with any other software. But I did program an import feature that will import from a LDIF file. LDIF export is available from Mozilla or Netscape adress books. I have no plans to inclide an Outlook import tool.

I will probably be ready to send it to beta testers in a couple of days. I just want to fix a few last things here and there first. Would anybody be interested into beta testing it then? I'd like to have a few people test it on different machines before I make it totally public on WC.

Just post here if you're interested. The only requirement is that you have DesktopX 3. Thanks.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 27, 2005
I'll just give you my old email address which I'm not that worried about. I'll reply with my proper address.
on Mar 27, 2005
As an admin, I can see your emails in your profiles, so unless you ask othrewise, I'll send it there.
Development update: I am trying to fix one bug right now. Once ths bug is solved, I should be able to send it out. Will probably towards the end of the day (Eastern Time: GMT -5).
on Mar 27, 2005
Right'o. send it to the email related to my WC/SD account then. Much more reliable.
on Mar 27, 2005
OK, mail sent. Everybody who requested the beta, please check your mail. Note that I sent two. You can trash the first one and only keep the second. roadrunner and Jeff T: GMail doesn't seem to like the attachment for some reason (it says "Illegal attachment"), do you have an alternate email I can send it to?
on Mar 27, 2005
Wizop paxx:

Alternate E-mail: Email

Thanks too.
on Mar 27, 2005
OK, Jeff, you got mail.
on Mar 28, 2005
Hello Paxx... I'd love to be a tester too ... I have another Q... It's about your Slidshow Desktopx Object (

My Q (or request) is: Can you add a "Fade" effect in to this object? so that when a picture changes to another it would fade insted of jump to the new pic...

Thank you for all your great work... waiting for your reply...

Note: Send me the widget on

on Mar 28, 2005
saloom, I sent you the beta. Thanks. As for the slideshow, this is quite an old object. The first DX slideshow made, I believe. BUt since then a few better and easier to configure one have been created, I'm not sure it's worth it to update this one. Let me know if you'd still want me to. If I do, I'd have to work a bit on it in order to take advantage of the latest DX features and the more knowledge I've gained since then.
on Mar 28, 2005
Maybe I'm not the norm, but I keep extra machines available just so I can beta test! I do a lot of work with Linux, which has taught me the value of a good beta-test program. I'm always happy to give new code a thorough real-world beating.
on Mar 28, 2005
Hello paxx...

About the slideshow; your slidshow was and is the only simple one, the other ones have frames and other annoying stuff... I'm sorry for to lit you work more... anyways, take your time or if you can't then no need to bother ... the thing is that I'm coustimizing my Destop to look just like longhorn Slate, mostley everything is done, except for the ExplorerBar (which I don't know where to get from! I NEED HELP ON THIS ONE) and some other little stuff such as the slidshow..

I'll not use any tranformation pack as they are filed with BUGs... I prefere creating my own, and then I'll give all people a full report on how to costimize your PC for to look like a Longhorn Slate without having troubles in Windows system and CPU performance.

About the widget beta... Thanx for sending it to my email, but the Hotmail services had BLOCKED the file! Their new rules state that NO .exe attachments are allowed what so ever (Dumb and stupid rules).

Can you please send me the widget in a zipped folder to the same email ( ) and/or to this email ( )...

Thank you for anything and everything... (sorry for writing a lot)
on Mar 28, 2005
I love testing new stuff, but I dont have firefox or thunderbird. So I guess i'm out. But ill be checking for other stuff to beta test in the future. Good luck with your widget.
on Mar 28, 2005
saloom, all right. I may update it some time in the near future. Email resent with attachement zipped. sharpshark: you don't need Thunderbird if you don't mind entering starting out with a blank address book and entering the contacts over one by one. It's just the importing feature only works with LDF files. You can still test the basic functionality if you want.
on Mar 28, 2005
I will be very happy to test it
on Mar 29, 2005
Black Xero, do you have another email? GMail doesn't like the attachment. I wonder if it's their counter-action regarding the Gmail Drive software. Anyhow, attachment won't go through Gmail.
on Mar 29, 2005
Hallo again paxx... I have these points to talk about for the ROLODEX DX...

---------Begining of Points--------

1. "TAB" button not enabled.

While inserting information of
a new/exiting contact, when
pressing Tab on your keyboard
it doesn’t toggle to the next
text box.

2. "No contact matching your search".

When search gives the result
"No contact matching your search",
it stays there and gets stuck in
every new slide you open.

3. “Wrap around Scrolling” sometimes gets stuck.

When toggling contact list, sometimes
the arrow "next" doesn’t toggle to
the first contact again.

4. Home button.

When you re-search for a contact that
is not in the list, the home button disappears.

5. Wrong # of contacts on main slide.

When I open the widget, my number of
contacts is different than the real
number of contacts when toggling. The
main slid gives me double the number.
(I have 2, while it says 4). I found
out that the problem appears when
adding a contact (without adding a
picture), clicking “submit”, and then
going back again to add a picture. It
seems that the widget thinks that it
is a new contact although I’m just
editing an exciting contact for to
add a picture.
------------End of points-------------

I'll update you with more soon.
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