It's nice to have a poll, but I find it better to hear people voice their comments about their answer.

Here are my comments, you are all welcome to voice yours in this thread.

Personnaly, given the way the question was written, I had no choice but vote for #1. Windows customization is indeed getting more popular, there is no denying it.  But I could have just as well have answered #3 if originality and quality was concerned.  It is my opinion that the days are long gone where skinners were trying to be original, come up with new imaginative ways to have things look and feel. I guess, that's what happens when skinning gets a bit more mainstream (although it's still not really completely so either - read last paragraph): skins become more conservative. Oh, there are still lots of very nice looking skins, but very few daring ones. 

Also, while I do agree that more and more people are getting into customization, I'd like to mention that it's still a small niche. I think it's still a very long way before skinning (or customization) come to the masses - if it ever does.  Don't forget that most computer users don't even know how to change their friggen resolution, let alone start applying different skins! 

My two cents. Here, your turn now.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 18, 2004

Sput....some 'innovation' can be constued as impractical....particularly if it receives numerous complaints about issues of actual functionality....but I personally would not care if certain parts were 'difficult' to live with...only those that are likely to have people 'hating' the result in droves.

It doesn't have to have popular appeal, just not popular dislike...

on Mar 18, 2004 reason why I think Boxxi's isometric view skin in the GUIO submisions is so impressive

I'm lost....did I make an Isometric view? Thanks for the compliment though..... which skin did you mean Sput?

on Mar 18, 2004
Skins being alike - that's the challenge in designing something though....make it different, but make it work without any additional effort for the user would be my ideal. In that regard, you can mess with the bits that don't matter (what the scroll bars look like, title bar text, the gerneal "look" of everything, and you can add to the basics with additional features, and you can even tweak the core tools as long as it's done carefully....

At work, I have an almost empty desktop with my own Alien Dial DesktopX objects set as shortcuts to the various tools and folders I need quick access too (helped by having dual monitors to double the number of shorcuts available). This makes the desktop look completely different to the norm (with no taskbar etc, and those standard icons I choose to keep changed using IconX and different icons)...and the WB skins can be wild and fancy looking, but "leave me buttons alone" or else I'll quickly fall out with a's just me...customize things to hell, but one time clicking on the wrong button and it winds me up enough to fall out with a skin...I don't have the patience these days to have to learn a layout that someone else liked as I like the standard layout because I know it.

I realise this isn't an absolute, and different people will tolerate (even welcome) different degrees or aspects of change - but I'd like everyone to at least include a sub skin with the standard button layout - just for me

...after all, skinning is all about individual preference, and I want my buttons where I left them.
on Mar 18, 2004
Boxxi - D'oh, sorry...I should have checked. I was thinking of this one:

Which is by essorant, not yourself. Your skins are great too...but not the ones I was thinking of in this case...
[Message Edited]
on Mar 18, 2004
You skin for yourself. do what you like. I might finish my "crazy" skin in time for the gui olympics, but I doubt as I don't have the time or the patience or windows anymore.
on Mar 18, 2004

Ah....but I put them where I want them....not where Microsoft pre-ordained...

Using shell replacements is appealing for the same reason....getting truly 'personal' with your own preferences....and getting away from Explorer is by far the most individualistic approach.

It's interesting that I still use my own WA skin by default....not as an ego-trip but because it's exactly what I prefer.....unobtrusively transparent....doesn't obstruct other windows, etc.

Colour choice is to be low glare....low I'm not squinting into the 'sun' all day long...

Currently I'm still using Tiggz' GT2 WB...with modded window details.....a bit more grey....but when I get back to using LiteSTEP I'll probably go back to one of my own skins as their lack of modern XP complexities isn't noticed then...

[Message Edited]
on Mar 18, 2004
particularly if it receives numerous complaints about issues of actual functionality....

Odd though that I'd used it for a couple of weeks like that before submitting it and it worked fine for me as I know which icon is which app and I don't need to see it's name...

It's your point about skinners doing things for themselves...I made it, I liked it, some other people didn' doesn't mean it doesn't work, it just means it doesn't work for them.

Since the GUIO is about pushing the limits, I'd expected this to be welcome, even if the judges didn't like it as someone somewhere might. The pre-moderation on things criteria like that surprised me. It basically comes down to taste, and I hadn't expected skins on the GUIO to be rejected on those grounds until it happened.

I admit though that I think that skin is improved for having been rejected and re-worked, but I miss not having the white on white still in it now...I should make a sub skin with it still like that at some point
on Mar 18, 2004

Sput....personally I would not moderate a skin for white on white....but when these GUIO skins are checked they/we look for 'faults' and that is considered one.  Not as 'bad' as magic pink splotches and bmps that don't align, etc....but still a 'fault'.

Perhaps such situations could have been set in the comments as a particular 'required' feature of the design....[an intended fault, as it were]...

on Mar 18, 2004
jafo - I agree that the best way to customize is to use things you've created yourself...when working on skins, I find I can be more productive because I'm using that skin rather than when using other peoples work...but I like switching quite often too - just because I can.

Sometimes I feel like a Copperdeck day, other times like Thunder Storm, sometimes my own Alien Dial, and sometimes depends on my mood, the weather, the prevailing light in the room/office, if I want to show off my desktop a bit more etc.

...swapping a lot is just taking customizing even further by making it change to suit the moment....I used to do this just with desktop wallpaper back on Windows 3.1 when I first found a tool to change wallpaper everytime you started up...then on the Mac I had a little script running to change my desktop wallpaper every 10 minutes from a folder full of 1000's of choices...then with Kaledescope I set that to swap to a random option often....

When I discovered WB many years ago, I just continued the process back onto the PC...I don't think I've ever used a layout/skin/desktop longer than a few months at a time max, and usually less than a week, and quite often less than a day...

My choice...hence why I "need" a consistent button layout. Also, my job is supporting others on their computer, and I don't get a say in their screen layout so I have to be completely accustomed to using the Windows standard layout quickly

(though, I do tend to use keyboard shortcuts a lot to avoid having to deal with a lot of the customising that people do manage to do!)
on Mar 18, 2004
Perhaps such situations could have been set in the comments as a particular 'required' feature of the design....[an intended fault, as it were]...

True...I hadn't specifically made reference to the white on white in the comments when I submitted it - though I did include a description of the philosophy of trying to remove every last "spare" pixel to be as minimal as possible...never mind. Water under the bridge and all that
on Mar 18, 2004
to avoid having to deal with a lot of the customising that people do manage to do

Oh...this is why I voted that customizing in on the increase still as I see other people's desktops on a daily basis and when we deployed NT lots of them discovered Webshots, and since having XP, a lot of them have found out about themes and things....sometimes they come up with (IMHO) AWFUL combinations of fonts/colours/sizes, even if they've still got the standard Windows "skin"...sometimes it's simple things like moving the task bar to vertical, or switching to the "classic" view, but very few have the vanilla XP look and feel these days.
on Mar 18, 2004

I used to do this just with desktop wallpaper back on Windows 3.1

Ah...and I was doing it with Calmira.....a shell that could turn 3.1 into 95 and beyond......again 'stronger' skinning, as it were...

on Mar 18, 2004
jafo - I switched to using 95 back in early 94 so I didn't need to skin 3.1 to look like it at that stage
on Mar 19, 2004
as an old fart to skinning/ themeing/or whatever ya want to call it , i have watched the birth and demise of many sites like,razorart,doodle vision etc. and on most of these sites. the question of conforming to a standard has been argued both for and against it. the debate of utility verses creativity will not end here ... its an never ending debate...

IMHO i prefer the odd and unique free form skins.. but thats just me...all i think jafo is trying to do is spur the "Outside the norm" creativity in you guys....ask your selves "when was the last time i made a skin that was just fun?" some little weird skin that looked cool to you, but prolly wouldnt be a big hit.....

look at some of the most popular skins for winamp alone... they are the weird odd shaped ones ....(examples) invicta,octave,t3-amp, to name a few,,, some times thinking outside the norm is actually the most popular thinking

as long as you are having fun making the skins, cause you like to, then thats all that counts......

but yes i have noticed there are those who are more interested in #'s than having a good time making skins. *** i will not mention any self involved ego fluffing posts of late ***

this is just my 2 cents ,,,,,

[Message Edited]
on Mar 19, 2004
If a compact start menu is a good idea, then why does anyone need to see the text on the left either?

I guess I better not do that then... I thought of that a while ago. You can tell, much like the right side of the panel, what they are and what they do.

I didn't try to do it yet in SkinStudio but I actually thought it wasn't possible.

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