It's nice to have a poll, but I find it better to hear people voice their comments about their answer.

Here are my comments, you are all welcome to voice yours in this thread.

Personnaly, given the way the question was written, I had no choice but vote for #1. Windows customization is indeed getting more popular, there is no denying it.  But I could have just as well have answered #3 if originality and quality was concerned.  It is my opinion that the days are long gone where skinners were trying to be original, come up with new imaginative ways to have things look and feel. I guess, that's what happens when skinning gets a bit more mainstream (although it's still not really completely so either - read last paragraph): skins become more conservative. Oh, there are still lots of very nice looking skins, but very few daring ones. 

Also, while I do agree that more and more people are getting into customization, I'd like to mention that it's still a small niche. I think it's still a very long way before skinning (or customization) come to the masses - if it ever does.  Don't forget that most computer users don't even know how to change their friggen resolution, let alone start applying different skins! 

My two cents. Here, your turn now.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Mar 19, 2004

If a compact start menu is a good idea, then why does anyone need to see the text on the left either?

Well, because the left pane is customizable, unlike the right pane. I for one have sortcuts to my mostly used folders in my start menu left pane. And since all folders look alike, it's convenient to be able to tell tem apart.  But I still applaude the novel idea. Maybe youo can try to submit it again, and specify this time that it was done on purpose.

on Mar 19, 2004
paxx - good point...though, if you wanted to do that and not have the text you could assign shortcuts with different icons to each folder. Bit of a pain though I agree if you don't want the hassle...I had made the concession that the roll over text was white on blue though so it was sort of useable even with the same icons.

I guess a sub theme with the option would be the best option.

joetheblow - I didn't manage to get rid of the space the text takes up which is what I tried for a while to do, just hide the text as white on white...

Anyhow. The skin has been accepted to tkae part in the GUIO now (without white on white), but anyone can add that back easily enough with skin studio if they choose
on Mar 19, 2004
OH, my XP panel is set to most recently used programs. Actually, i didn't know I could change the folder location for that panel.

Good to know.

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on Mar 19, 2004
.... ok now how do you do that....

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on Mar 19, 2004

What do you mean by "change the folder location"?
What I did is create shortcuts to folders at the top of the Start menu's left panel. Just drag any folder where you want it, towards the top of the left panel (above the recently used programs), and it will create a shortcut. Nothing fancy.

on Mar 19, 2004
oh, ok.


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[Message Edited]
on Mar 22, 2004
My 2 observsation I made since becoming a subscriber at WinCustomize, is that many of the wallpapers leave much to be desired. Most of them seem to have the same theme to them, for lack of a better description, nothing but scribbles in different colors with different names, to busy and gaudy to use on a desktop. It almost seems as though one person did them all, not much originality to them. JMO

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on Mar 22, 2004
webgizmos....this thread is about skinning and its development, not actually about walls at all...
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