Please use this thread to post a link to your web site. Just a few recommendations:

1) Also, please write a small description of your site, not just the link. Nobody is likely to click on a link without knowing what to expect.
2) Please don't link to a site tha is likely to harm or crash people's computer, such as one million pop ups for example.
3) This is about USER web site, please link to YOUR OWN web site. This is not a thread to link to your favorite sites out there.

Bring it on!

Comments (Page 1)
8 Pages1 2 3  Last
on Apr 27, 2004
Fellow Skinners,
I would love all of you to visit...

WST Web Designs -
This site was created by me as a way to showcase some of my wallpapers and a little bit of web design

The Forum for The Community -
The site forum was created as a place for people of this community to gather without worries. I have created this forum with one purpose in mind that is to provide a forum for people to talk about subjects of interest to them, with a "skinning theme"... The idea being that I would have Topics which are hosted by respected members of the community and have a LOT of them.

It may seem like a hard forum to navigate, considering all of the topics... but if you have one or two that are of real interest to you then you will have no problem enjoying the discussion within them.

Please take the time to visit and help this "little brother" of the skinning community grow. We are always looking for suggestions to make it a better place.

wstaylor - WST Web Designs
on Apr 27, 2004
Also, lets try to keep this thread easy to read. So please do not post comments here, but just links to your site. Thanks.
on Apr 27, 2004

Get a CUSTOMIZED computer game with YOU as the STAR
on Apr 27, 2004
My brothers site is

Its a pretty cool place, devoted to The Lord of the Rings. He's coding this site from scratch, and its always being updated. Pop on over there and give him some feedback.
on Apr 27, 2004
How about maybe a not so great website??? At risk of showing just how limited my abilities are in 'putering and just about everything are welcome to view some strange poetry and amateur photography all slathered together in my typical hodge podge way. *sigh ok ok I'm an airhead please laugh gently
on Apr 29, 2004
hey folks,

nimix and i startet our new website. there is not that much on right now, but we'll work on it. at the moment there are only our two od docklets on there, but as soon as we wrote more stuff, you will find it there.

on Apr 30, 2004
this isnt my web site but i think its a really place to play games and stuff...
on May 01, 2004
To avoid this becoming a "favourite sites" thread, please read the thread author's original post.

*ahem* (ilovemyjohnny)


Powered by SkinBrowser!
on May 01, 2004
Well, I wasn't going to post because my site is undergoing some renovations...

Its going to be a knowledge base about technology, science, business and education research that I am currently looking into. I use it as a way to keep information handy for future research. So everything I do in school is going to be on there and if I need to look something up, I can easily do so. I also link and have write ups on things that interest me. I have also created a sort of network between Modblog and JoeUser with my site

JoeUser I use for links and to hold pieces of articles I read across the net:

With Modblog its more personal but I do have stuff I do at school on it mostly:

I have others but they are not built yet. It will be at least a year before the go live.
on May 03, 2004

On the forums you will see alot of controversy about who the site belongs to but I assure you that it is mine and my friend Brett's and not the people's who keep complaining.
on May 03, 2004
Please leave comments about that site
on May 03, 2004
Oh by the way, It's just a site about my town, with pictures of me and friends acting stupid, and all kinds of info about the town, and every now and then it will have advertisements about the events we have organized, We also have a downloads section but we do not have very much content on it yet, soon to have all the trial stuff of windowblinds, And in the near future I plan to make it a stardock affiliate Basically it was just made as our escape from reality, and for something to do.
on May 09, 2004
everything you need + downloads, graphics, whatever jus go to my site
on May 11, 2004
Themes and skins for small devices:

on May 11, 2004

this is Wstaylor's super skinning forum
its new and there are only 76 users so come and join!!!!
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