Please use this thread to post a link to your web site. Just a few recommendations:

1) Also, please write a small description of your site, not just the link. Nobody is likely to click on a link without knowing what to expect.
2) Please don't link to a site tha is likely to harm or crash people's computer, such as one million pop ups for example.
3) This is about USER web site, please link to YOUR OWN web site. This is not a thread to link to your favorite sites out there.

Bring it on!

Comments (Page 8)
8 PagesFirst 6 7 8 
on Oct 20, 2004
mines twisted web!!!!!! Soo cool

Ill have GTA SA on there soon


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on Oct 25, 2004

Well, it's my blog. I just started it but I am hoping to start posting some mods and or hacks etc.

Hope y'all like it.
on Oct 26, 2004
my favorite cluster engine ive searched this engine for 3 years give the best reesults for what your doing
on Oct 30, 2004

My site...
Small but I like it. It has some Visual Basic stuff and a small forum. I need more people on the forum. If anyone wants a customizing section, just post a request in the general section and I will get to it within 24 hours.

Sachleen Sandhu
on Nov 05, 2004
Well I don’t know how great it is, and we just settled into our new home after a 2,ooo mile move. We have been with out the Internet for some time and I have just started recreating and over hauling the site and we just had a new addition to our family. But you are welcome to look at it. It is for the most part for 3D but will be adding in all my stuff for WinCustomize such as DX stuff etc.
on Nov 11, 2004
Its currently under alot of construction but if your into roms & emulation, without pop-ups, sign-ups and all the rest of the annoying crap that comes along with most the emu sites on the net, please check my site out, its made entirley from css. HTML base code, actually but add this site to your bookmarks. I promise when you visit again you may see some new updates. Im in the process of getting a domain and also uploading all my files.

Heres the link: Emutech
My site name is "Emutech"
The latest news & gaming in emulation technology.

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on Nov 12, 2004

This is my own person tech site where I discuss about the gadgets I'm currently playing with and other computer related stuff. I just recently relaunched it with a new interface.


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on Nov 16, 2004
My website is dedicated to my handmade wood carvings of fish and fishing lures. I am probably a better carver than a web author... but please feel free to check it out.

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on Nov 23, 2004
haha i am just putting my site up because it is fun... it doesn't necessarily have skins on it (sry) it's just a site w/ a bunch of fun stuff on it... (I DEVELOPED IT)! so go check it out...
on Nov 24, 2004
One of my little ventures. It's my tiny software company site. The site is clean looking and only has one title on it but hey I made it.
on Nov 24, 2004
My companies website is up...

It's just a first draft. The text is all screwed up. But the basic design is there. Feel free to comment...Thanks
on Dec 01, 2004
on Dec 02, 2004

Graphics, GUI Interfacing, Photo Manipulation, Buddy Icons, AIM Themes....anyting else...just alot of graphics (well for a start anyways)

on Dec 07, 2004
1weblord....several warnings of spyware popups prompted your links' removal...
8 PagesFirst 6 7 8